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It will take me a little time to circle back around to all of the books, articles and podcasts that I have listened to, but I’ll get this placeholder page up and running as I drop them in, one-by-one!

Recommended Books:

Thanks to a valuable corporate library that allows me to select books to borrow that show up on my desk as soon as available, I have had the opportunity to read much more often without investing in Amazon books that I hope stand true to their reviews. Some, I have enjoyed so much or found worth a deeper dive that I have followed up with a purchase of my own permanent copy. Others, I have handed you the gems of information and saved you the trouble. Click through the links below before deciding whether to purchase your own copy!

Don’t forget the FREE resources I share with readers only!

Start with an instant download of our Ultimate Toolkit for Female Entrepreneurs!


I’m new to Podcasts, which I think is a feature of historically never being a big fan of audiobooks or talk radio. Now that I live in the world’s 8th most congested traffic city, I have come to appreciate making more valuable use of my commute time to and from work each day, and have come to love listening to that which I would otherwise lack time to read.



With that, I’m just starting to delve into the Podcast world, but have already found a couple of resources that help me use my fringe hours for growth and set my mindset for achievement throughout the day.

Women at Work – Harvard Business Review

Smart Passive Income – Pat Flynn